Camera Caper

camera caper

We were delighted to be picked by the Camera Caper team to be the first in the world to play their new initiative game. Camera Caper is an absolute must for anybody who enjoys getting photographs, the joy of this game is that you don’t have to be a professional photographer to partake. All you need is a camera phone.

This game will take you to new destinations, new heights and give you an epic new sense of adventure.

How To Play Camera Caper

The game features two different cards, a move card and a challenge card. If you have a destination set then just play the challenge card. If you’re setting off on a weird and wonderful road trip then play with the move and challenge cards.

When we received the cards we excitedly shuffled through the deck to find out what sort of challenges we would face.

Putting Camera Caper To The Test

We decided to put Camera Caper to the test on our Staycation to the Lake District as well as back at home in our native North East. As we already had our destination planned we only used the challenge cards on this occasion.

We packed up all our kit and headed off to try and complete our challenges. Armed with an iPhone 11, Emma’s Canon EOS-M10 camera and a lens ball just in case we wanted to try and get a bit of a different shot. Most of the photos below were taken with just an iPhone 11 camera as it was easier for us and the photos were perfect for the landscape pano shots.

So we set off, our first destination was Cat Bells, you can read about the stunning Fell, here. Once we arrived we shuffled the deck and picked one card at a time to aimed to complete the challenge. You must pick a card at a time, if you can’t complete that card simply keep it and complete it at a later time. Camera Caper is super easy to play. We found it very enjoyable and it helped us photograph things that we would never think of photographing.

Take a look at how our Camera Caper challenge turned out:

We got lucky with the first card, ‘Landscape Including A Lake.’ We happened to be right next to one of the most stunning lakes in the UK, Derwentwater.

How do you think we did?

You Will Take Them Everywhere!

We now take our Camera Caper cards with us everywhere we go. We try to take snaps of one of the challenge cards that we pull out that day! You bet we’ll be taking it on our abroad holidays once COVID allows us to travel again! But alas, UK staycations and day trip challenges will keep us going in the mean time.

Fancy getting some Camera Caper cards for yourself? Head over to to find out more

There will also be an app coming soon so we can all challenge each other and try and get the most points.

Who’s up for playing?

Check Out Our Other Destinations



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