
We decided to visit Poznan to kickstart our inter-rail tour of Poland. Poznan was previously in our plans but COVID put an end to that. We returned for our first post-COVID trip, here’s our review!

Getting To Poznan

We flew into Poznan from Edinburgh, the flights cost a cool £10 with Ryanair before adding a carry-on bag. As we are double vaccinated we could enter Poland without a test, all we needed was our NHS app to prove we have the vaccine. Border control were a little funny with us but in the end we got into Poland without any real problems.

Travelling to Poznan, passport cover

Where to stay in Poznan

As this was our first stay in Poznan (and pretty much our first holiday in 18 months) we decided to splash out and go 5 star. One of the positives of COVID is the price of the hotels, the lack of tourists in Poland meant we picked up a suite in the Sheraton in Poznan for just £50 for the night. The Sheraton was easily the best hotel of our stay and had everything you could wish for. The rooms were a huge size, the service was fantastic and it even had a rooftop pool! The feature for us was the bed. The bed was incredible. It was ginormous! 100% the best nights sleep of the whole stay. I’d even go back to Poznan to spend another night in one of those beds!

Sheraton Hotel, Poznan

Also, another great part of this hotel…the staff. All of the reception desk staff were lovely and even helped Emma out when we had a case of hiccups! Did you know a sachet of sugar solves the problem immediately? Us neither, but it worked and we’ll be forever grateful! They also have a free computer to use and make print outs in the lobby area. This was perfect for us as it meant we could print our train tickets out.

100% can’t recommend this hotel enough. If you’re ever in Poznan, you must stay here!

24 hours in Poznan

Our tour of Poznan really was a whistle-stop tour. We only had 24 hours before we had to move on to Wroclaw so we tried to cram as much in as we can, however, that plan didn’t go too well. We were lured into Whiskey in the Jar where we had one too many cocktails with our food. We did see Poznan’s sites but we were rather drunk!

Poznan square

Where to eat in Poznan

Whiskey in the Jar had been recommended to us through a friend who had visited Poznan in the past. We did notice the brand as they have other restaurants in Wroclaw and Gdansk. As it was a sunny day we decided to sit outside and start the holiday in style. Emma ordered the shrimp salad (which was incredible, however, wasn’t enough food to soak up all of the wine!) and Michael ordered grilled shrimp with corn and chips. The food was fantastic but be warned, the cocktails here are super strong. We had a great time at Whiskey in the Jar, but being honest, we can’t really remember leaving.


Emma headed here on the evening as Michael was at the football match. The queue to get in was around 25 minutes long and it didn’t let up at all. There were consistent queues for the whole duration that we were there. Once inside, we got a table for two and ordered some refillable soft drinks. Emma ordered the prawn fajitas which were lovely. Not the best we’ve ever had, but they were good and exactly what I fancied. Overall, it was a great restaurant with a duo playing guitar too. 

The Mexican, Poznan

Best Bars in Poznan

Or not, in this case. Emma went to Twelve Cocktails and Co which looked to be a lovely rooftop cocktail bar with views of the city. However, what we came across was terrible service. It took 30 minutes for someone to come over and take out order and a further 40 minutes for the drinks to arrive. The cocktails were also so strong that they were undrinkable for enjoyment and it was a case of downing and pulling multiple faces as to not waste them. Again, waiting for the bill after we finished our cocktails, it didn’t come so we had to leave and go down to the bar to pay. Now, we would expect this if it was super busy, however, it wasn’t at all, they were just so slow. 

How to buy Lech Poznan tickets

Michael can’t visit a city and not go to a football match if one is being played. Lech Poznan kicked off their league season with a home match against Radom. Due to the COVID uncertainty Michael waited until we were through border control in Poznan before booking the tickets. Once we arrived safely, it was a swift visit to the Lech Poznan website and it was all go. The tickets we went for ended up including a free bar! Yes!

You heard that right, a free bar and all for a grand total of 150pln which is the equivalent of £30. For the football ticket, a decent seat and free drink. 

The game was less than memorable, a 0-0 stalemate with a boycott from the Lech Poznan ultras. Anyway, we had a great time!

Lech Poznan

Poznan Review

Overall, we did really enjoy our brief time in Poznan. Although we didn’t get to see many of the sites, we did have some amazing food and drinks and a lovely walk around the main square. Would we go back? Yes I would say so if we managed to get another set of cheap flights we would definitely return and explore some more. 


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